Justice Delayed
by digby
… but not denied.
Everyone knows that Firedoglake is the go-to blog for live Libby Trial blogging and analysis, right? Think of it as the internet equivalent of all those OJ shows on the cablers, except smart and literate.
They have trial press passes and they will be there every day telling us what’s what. If you want to get up to speed on the case to really understand what’s going down, you need to buy Marcy Wheeler’s Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy. She knows everything there is to know about the case — and she’s going to be blogging it for FDL, along with the usual suspects, Christy, Pach and Jane.
(Jeralyn will also be doing expert analysis at Talk Left, so be sure to check in there frequently as well.)
This is the first time since 2000 that anyone has officially taken the Bush administration to task. Patrick Fitzgerald has run the tightest lipped investigation in Department of Justice history and the only things we really know about his case are from official filings and informed speculation. Anything could happen. Dick Cheney is probably going to testify. Maybe Rover.
So keep your bookmarks poised and some popcorn handy. The Bush administration is finally going on trial.
Update: BTC News’ white house reporter will also be covering the trial. Go bloggers.