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Yes, Yes, Yes

by digby

Obama makes the bold move and it’s very smart. Not only is it the right thing to do (yes, that should enter the equation) I think it’s the savvy political move.

When the AUMF was being debated and all the presidential club members voted for it, I wrote that it would do them no good. If the war went well, they didn’t have a chance. If it didn’t their vote would hang around their neck.

The same dynamic is at play today except the stakes are much higher. This time it’s McCain or Rudy who will gain if the war is going well next year. (Fat chance.) And if it isn’t, people will be looking to Democrats who took a bold stand to end it, not those who played around the edges.

No Democrat will get any points for being wishy washy on the war at this point. They will get lots of points for being up front and offering a reasonable alternative.

In for a penny in for pound guys. If the presidential club is smart at all they’ll sign on or up the ante. There’s no margin in non-binding resolutions or adding more Friedman Units at this point. Good for Obama.


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