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By Comparison, The “Young Lincoln Portrait” Has Far More Cred

by tristero

Let’s not waste your time trying to be polite about it. It’s just a simple fact that neo-conservatives are ignorant fucks that make shit up. And they do it over and over again. They cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Ever.

Incredible. Anyone who has ever bothered to read Lincoln or learn about his life (and once you do, you realize it’s the opposite of a bother) should have known he never would have advocated the hanging of members of Congress.

And this is no isolated incident of the rightwing making an accidental attribution. There are numerous “quotes” from the likes of Thomas Jefferson floating around advocating a “Christian nation,” totally fabricated and disseminated by christianists.

These people have as much business gaining regular access to the mainstream public discourse as Charlie Manson, even in a filthy rag like the Moonie Times. And in terms of the number of people who have been killed and maimed in Iraq directly due to their lies and distortions, they have proven themselves far more dangerous. And this is before Iran.

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