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A Must Read

by tristero

[Update: Link Fixed]

In the post below, Digby mentions this exceedingly important article about the preparations, plans, and deployments for war against Iran perhaps as soon as next month. I can’t urge you enough to read it and to pass it on to your friends. Let me be brief: it is one of the most alarming things I’ve read in the past six years.

I believe that up until the moment the missiles begin dropping in Iran, war can be prevented, provided this country’s elected representatives do their job and the press refuses to let Bush get away with a surprise attack -which is clearly the plan, ie, no congressional resolutions, no UN, no inspectors, no pretense of a coalition, and no negotiations. And no warning, perhaps even no casus belli declared until after the attacks begin.

I realize the chances of this country’s governing and media elite acting in time are small, but the stakes are enormous. Folks, it’s very simple: Read the article, pass it on, call your Congress, call the press. What will you tell your kids, your grand-kids if Bush starts this insane war and you did nothing?

Now go read.

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