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Cure For Amnesia

by digby

Tony Snow is saying that there’s simply no reason for Rove and Miers to go under oath or even a transcript of their “interview” to be created if the congress really wants to get the truth.

He had no information on the “18 Day Gap” and seems not to be aware that Karl Rove just recently came within a hairs breadth of being indicted for lying to the FBI and and perjuring himself before a Grand Jury. See, he apparently has a terrible disease that renders him an amnesiac until he’s facing indictment, at which point he suddenly uncovers e-mails which jog his memory and he “amends” his statements.

Getting the truth from this disabled fellow in simple interviews has already proven to be a big waste of time. Better to just put him under penalty of perjury from the beginning. Recent history shows that he can barely remember his name unless he’s facing jail time.


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