Thumbsucking Gopers
by digby
The poor, little Republican boo-boos are all tuckered out with “scandal fatigue” since the Democrats took over five minutes ago:
Goodling’s announcement, some senior Republicans felt, strengthened the Democrats’ charge that the Justice Department had something to hide.
All of which added up to scandal fatigue inside the caucus, the senators said.
Specter’s appeal to the caucus received “a lot of head shaking, a lot of eye-rolling,” said one senator who attended and spoke on condition of anonymity because the session was private.
It’s been six long years of mindlessly rubber stamping that embarrassing excuse for a president and divvying up the spoils so they aren’t used to having to defend his miserable record of failure. Seems they don’t like it much. Well, those big macho conservatives had better toughen up right quick because this is only the beginning.
To shamelessly rework a famous movie speech written by Paddy Chayevsky:
That is the natural order of things today, Republicans! That is the atomic, subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and
Or, perhaps it’s better to put it this way: how can you expect the Republicans to defend this country if they can’t even defend their own Attorney General?
But that would be the essence of rightwing chickenhawkery, wouldn’t it? They’re all talk. Always have been.