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The Liberal Press Accentuates The Negative

by tristero

A truly alarming headline in the NY Times: Rebuilt Iraq Projects Found Crumbling. This is serious because it implies that Halliburton the Bush administration has been more interested in messing things up than in actually permanently rebuilding Iraq, a scurrilous charge. But then, buried on page two online, we read this:

Besides the airport, hospital and special forces barracks, places where inspectors found serious problems included two projects at a military base near Nasiriya and one at a military recruiting center in Hilla — both cities in the south — and a police station in Mosul, a northern city. A second police station in Mosul was found to be in good condition.

Y’see how the liberal media distorts things? These professional surrenderists looked at the decaying airport, the hospital, the special forces barracks, the military base at Nasiriya, a recruitng station in Hilla, and the other Mosul police station where there’s mucho problems and drew the worst possible conclusion, a conclusion completely contradicted by the facts on the ground.

A truly objective headline – which also, by the way, would promote America’s clear interest in success in Iraq – would have read

Rebuilt Iraq Project Found Not Crumbling

And that’s the truth. And it’s the exact opposite of what the commie al Qaeda assassin Bill Keller would have you believe.

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