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Oh Sweet Jesus I Hate Joe Lieberman

by digby

Via Instaputz, we find that Holy Joe was interviewed by new bff Hugh Hewitt:

Look, the American military, working together with coalition forces including Iraqis, will never lose the war in Iraq. I just can’t stress that enough. … If America suffers a defeat in Iraq, it will be because the American people didn’t stick with it, didn’t have the will. And some people here in leadership positions politically were so much against it that they built up that public opposition, that a lot of it is framed by the media. I won’t say a lot of them lie, but the constant focus is on the suicide bombers. And I know that’s news, but you know, the suicide bombers are our enemy. They’re carrying out more dramatic acts because we’re on the move, and we’ve got them on the run. And incidentally, Hugh, they’re not only trying to kill Iraqis and Americans with the suicide bombs over there, they’re trying to kill American support for the war in Iraq.

You’ve got to love the very pious and orthodox Lieberman adopting the “stab in the back” in whole cloth. There’s a horrible, horrible irony there.


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