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At Least The Oval Office Would Be Tasteful For A Change

by digby

Yglesias comments on Elizabeth Edwards’ odd remark to CNN yesterday:

It looks like Elizabeth Edwards, in an apparent effort to alienate her husband’s supporters, whined to CNN that “In some ways, it’s the way we have to go. We can’t make John black, we can’t make him a woman.” Really, though, would it be impossible to make him a woman? It seems to me that the first post-op m-to-f transgendered presidential candidate could garner plenty of attention.

I don’t know where Matt’s been, but that’s pretty much a done deal. “The Breck Girl,” despite his 30 year marriage, four children and looks that make women of all ages swoon, has successfully been turned into Ru-Paul in this election (even though the GOP front-runner is the one all over YouTube in drag.) The Republicans are very good at what they do.

Having said that, it probably wasn’t the smartest thing Mrs Edwards has ever said. Not only is it tone deaf (hey, we’ve all been there) but it invites this kind of snarking about John running as the first gay president. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course, but perhaps that honor should be reserved for someone who is actually,you know, gay. I think it might be more meaningful.

I should say that I saw Edwards up close and personal at YKos and he is very impressive — passionate, funny and charismatic. And yes he has excellent hair.


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