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No, Duh

by tristero

A bunch of us have been saying this for years:

In a simple experiment reported today in the journal Nature Neuroscience, scientists at New York University and UCLA show that political orientation is related to differences in how the brain processes information.

The next thing to study is which kind of brain is more grounded in reality. One guess what the results will be.

[UPDATE: I suppose I should make clear that I take findings like this cum grano salis. As more was learned about hemispheric localization of brain function, the right brain/left brain differences were found to be more subtle and complex than merely right brain equals holistic, left equals analytic. I’m pretty certain that future studies will show that the relationship between political orientation and simple perceptual/behavioral tasks will show similar complexity.

Then again, it’s just like a liberal to distrust an unequivocally clear result.]

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