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Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Again

by tristero

The end of a blistering, spot-on Times Editorial

… [Bush’s] only real plan is to confuse enough Americans and cow enough members of Congress to let him muddle along and saddle his successor with this war that should never have been started.

Yes. And the Times can do its small part to ensure that the US doesn’t repeat the mistake of wars “that should never have been started.”

They can terminate David Brooks’s and and Thomas Friedman’s contracts, effective today, and hire as replacements Jessica Tuchman Mathews and Barbara Ehrenreich. They should fire Michael Gordon for his credulous and intellectually disengaged regurgitation of Pentagon statistics and assertions and they should let Elizabeth Bumiller go for her utterly worthless, utterly biased I-use-the-term-loosely reporting. They can also retire the thoroughly misleading references to Al Qaeda in Iraq that grossly distort the situation and only serve the propaganda interests of the Bush administration.

Most importantly, and also most unlikely, they should call for the impeachment and removal from office of George Bush, Dick Cheney and the entire Bush cabinet. There isn’t enough paper in the world to list the reasons why they should go – and go now. And there are no good reasons for them to stay a moment longer.

[Updated immediately after posting.]

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