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To The Editors Of The Rocky Mountain Collegian

by tristero

Dear Editors,

I gather that your recent editorial has landed you in a small amount of trouble:

The Rocky Mountain Collegian on Friday published an editorial that reads, in total, “Taser this… F— BUSH,” spelling out the expletive, along with an explanation that “this column represents the views of the Collegian’s editorial board.”

The second two words of the editorial are printed in extremely large print, about twice the size of a headline…

In a letter addressed to the university community and Collegian readers, Jeff Browne, director of student media, said he is planning to launch an internal investigation into “the decision-making process” followed in publishing the editorial.

Noting that the paper has First Amendment rights to publish “what they see fit,” Browne continued, “We do not support the specific editorial statement on page 4 of today’s Collegian. We find it unnecessary and unbefitting the proud 116-year tradition of the Collegian.”

I would suggest you respond to this with Vice President Cheney’s immortal phrase, uttered on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

Fuck yourself.



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