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Take A Big Ole Whiff ‘O Freedom

by digby


Despite the uproar that ensued after a questioner was shocked following a forum Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) held in Florida, not everyone is unhappy with the Taser.

At the National Rifle Association’s “Celebration of American values” conference Friday, as Sen. John Thune (R-SD) delivered his opening remarks, a protester stood up and began yelling, according to a 183-word brief by Ben Pershing in Monday’s Roll Call.

The audience responded.

“As she bellowed, a source who was present told [the paper], ‘All these old dudes started shouting, ‘Tase her! Tase her!’’

“Alas, security personnel just quietly walked the offender out the door, sans the 50,000 volts of electricity and — as NRA members might appreciate — ‘more stopping power than a .357 Magnum’ that Taser claims to provide,” Pershing wrote. “Maybe next time.”

I guess we should be grateful, considering the venue, that they didn’t just shoot her. I assume they were all packing heat.

Tasing is a barbaric tactic designed to make people submit to authority. It is no different than slamming someone in the head with a baton, except it leaves no marks. I’m not surprised that the NRA neanderthals would gleefully call for non-violent protester to be tasered — they think the constitution only has one amendment — the second. I am surprised the NRA security didn’t actually do it, though.


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