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Toddler Destruction

by digby

There is literally nothing they won’t do, no matter how ridiculous it makes them look or how embarrassing it is for their movement and their party. Like toddlers going through the terrible twos their only response to anything with which they disagree is childish destruction.

Al Gore wins the Nobel prize and this is the inevitable response:

One person we’re betting won’t be reacting so kindly is attorney, author, and talk radio host Mark R. Levin of the Landmark Legal Foundation, which earlier this year responded to Gore’s nomination for the Nobel by trying to put forward Rush Limbaugh’s name. Yesterday on his radio show, an exasperated Levin vowed to open an investigation into alleged “untoward, unethical behavior” if Gore won the prize, claiming that he’s been “…getting word that there’s been a lot of behind-the-scenes lobbying for Al Gore.” He added that, “I would hate for a scandal to break out…but something stinks already. I’m not sure what it is…”


Levin’s forthcoming “investigation” has been in the works for many months. Back in March, his pal Limbaugh was claiming that a Gore lecture in Oslo that was attended (and called “a very important message”) by the chairman of the Nobel committee somehow constituted improper “lobbying,” and suggested that Landmark might take action:

LIMBAUGH: My lawyers at the Landmark Legal Foundation are looking into the possibility of filing an objection with the Nobel committee over the unethical tampering for this award that Al Gore is engaging in. This is clearly above and beyond the pale. I mean, this might happen in high school class president elections and so forth, but this is shameless.

It’s ridiculous, of course, comic in its absurdity — a joke. Except it actually isn’t. They start these stupid campaigns and keep at it for years and years and years until they are able to convince the dimwitted talk radio crowd and the Village gossips that there must be something to it or people wouldn’t keep talking about it. (“Where there’s smoke there’s fie-yere…”)

They want to discredit the Nobel Peace Prize (probably all the Nobel prizes, actually — after all, they reward science and literature, both of which are anathemas to rightwing thinking.) Racist, warmongering authoritarians only win it if they actually make peace, and that is something the modern conservative movement adherent rarely does, although there have been a few, like Kissinger and Deklerk, who’ve won them. In any case, those awards also recognize the peacemaking of the former enemy which completely invalidates the honor for these puerile narcissists.

Today they are very upset that their enemy, Al Gore, won the prize. He’s supposed to be a whacked-out, crazy liar, you see, not someone who is validated by people all over the world as a leader and a visionary. So,they are going to have to take down the validators. One way to start doing that is to pretend that Rush Limbaugh, of all people, is entitled to the honor and that Al Gore “lobbied” for the prize and won it.

Mark Levin is a professional political hitman. He won’t be able to singlehandedly destroy the Nobel Prize, but he and his fellow assassins may very well keep this theme going for years. Since the whole concept of peace is antithetical to everything they believe in they won’t rest until a large number of people in this country no longer believe that winning the Nobel Peace Prize is one of the greatest honors that a person can have bestowed upon them. (Unless a rightwinger wins one all by himself, at which point it will, temporarily be something worth having.) Since that is unlikely, I suspect we will simply see another rightwing toddler destruction campaign. It’s what they do.


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