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Schadenfreude Is A Sinful Emotion

by tristero

But oh is it delightful.

Scaife’s money is responsible for so much evil in this country – millions of dollars spent sliming the Clintons, encouraging the Vince Foster stories, funding rightwing think tanks – that it is with the greatest pleasure one reads the sordid details of his by-the-hour-motel romance with a hooker and his subsequent divorce in progress.

Scaife is so repellent a creep he begs comparison to Hannibal Lecter, and not in a good way. Here’s my favorite Scaife story, penned by “former Wall Street Journal reporter” Karen Rothmyer:

Richard Scaife rarely speaks to the press. After several unsuccessful efforts to obtain an interview, this reporter decided to make one last attempt in Boston, where Scaife was scheduled to attend the annual meeting of the First Boston Corporation.

Scaife, a company director, did not show up while the meeting was in progress. Reached eventually by telephone as he dined with the other directors at the exclusive Union Club, he hung up the moment he heard the caller’s name. A few minutes later he appeared at the top of the Club steps. At the bottom of the stairs, the following exchange occurred:

“Mr. Scaife, could you explain why you give so much money to the New Right?”

“You fucking Communist cunt, get out of here.”

Well. The rest of the five-minute interview was conducted at a rapid trot down Park Street, during which Scaife tried to hail a taxi. Scaife volunteered two statements of opinion regarding his questioner’s personal appearance – he said she was ugly and that her teeth were “terrible” – and also the comment that she was engaged in “hatchet journalism.” His questioner thanked Scaife for his time. “Don’t look behind you,” Scaife offered by way of a goodbye.

Not quite sure what this remark meant, the reporter suggested that if someone were approaching it was probably her mother, whom she had arranged to meet nearby. “She’s ugly, too,” Scaife said, and strode off.

Careful readers will note that in the Vanity Fair article, Scaife goes out of his way to avoid mention of anything remotely political, except a very friendly lunch meeting with Bill Clinton (oh, to have been at the next table with my trusty R-09! ).

There’s a reason why Scaife avoids talking about his politics and activities as chief funder of libel and innuendo against liberals and Democrats. He’s anxious to buy himself purchase in the divorce suit by garnering sympathetic press clippings – why this should matter is a bit puzzling, but I digress. All the press in the world won’t make a bit of difference, though. He comes across as a thoroughly spoiled, pampered, and worthless sleazebag. One hopes he continues his publicity campaign. The more people who become acquainted with the character of the real movers and shakers in the conservative movement, the better.

Man, what a slimeball Scaife is.

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