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Wingnut Triangulation

by digby

Somehow I don’t think it actually hurts John McCain’s chances of winning to have Chris Matthews’ BFF Tom Delay on Hardball saying that McCain is too liberal because it’s “arrogant to think man can affect the climate,” and because he hasn’t endorsed a right to “drive through Philly with a bazooka hanging out of the window of their Hummer.” Not that he’ll win anyway…

Matthews: Will you vote for John McCain if it keeps the Clintons out of the White House?

DeLay: I don’t have to decide that right now.

Do you get the feeling that the conservatives are gaming this thing? I knew that you would.

They know they are going to lose. They will blame the loss on the fact that McCain wasn’t a real conservative (just like Bush.) They know when to fall back and regroup. They’re already playing for the next election.

Everybody sing: Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.


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