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Heckuva Job

by digby

I missed this the other day:

We’re sorry you’re going through what you’re going through.

You know, life sometimes is, uh, you know, is unfair, and you don’t get to play the hand that you wanted to play. But, the question is, when you get dealt the hand, how do you play it?

And I’ve come away with this impression of the folks of Macon County. One, you’re down-to-Earth, good, hard-workin’ people. They have a respect for the Almighty, and this community’s going to be as strong as ever. That’s what I think.

Of course, people like Bush tend to have a little more money in the pot when these disasters strike and they have to “play their hand” don’t they? But, I’m sure these God fearing folks were very pleased to hear his encouraging words. It’s all they can expect from him.

Can we all agree that the single most important change this country needs is for its citizens to not have to look at this person on our TVs anymore?


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