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Stop It

by digby

I have just heard from John Aravosis that he has been inundated by assholes in his comment section for 8 solid hours on the basis of the link I gave to his post about Chris Matthews. When he expressed his anger to me, I said I found it hard to believe that my post would have inspired this kind of behavior. But apparently I was wrong. He just wrote me back:

Yeah, I’m sure it’s not your readers. Look at what started again as soon as I commented on your blog.


I can’t imagine why a post about Chris Matthews would engender that kind of response, but if it did then there are some very sick minds out there. I don’t know who my readers are exactly, but if any of you are doing this because of something I wrote, please stop.

This election is worse than being stuck in seventh grade for the rest of your life. Jesus H Christ.


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