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Free Don Siegelman

by dday

This is awesome:

He has a real allergy to the truth, doesn’t he? What an awkward reaction.

There’s a lot of power in simple confrontations like this.

UPDATE: Dana Jill Simpson basically says tell it to the judge:

Yesterday we brought you Karl Rove’s expansive denial of Republican lawyer Dana Jill Simpson’s testimony to Congress and comments to 60 Minutes.

Simpson responded last night on MSNBC’s Dan Abrams show: “Since Karl Rove has said that and he feels so good saying that, what I want him to do is go and swear before the United States Congress and swear what he’s saying is true.”

Simpson also responded to accusations from the Alabama Republican Party that Simpson had never worked for the party and no one had ever heard of her. She said that phone records would show conversations with party officials in Alabama and Washington, D.C. in 2002 and 2006.


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