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They Weren’t Raised To Be Writers

by digby

Via Atrios, I see that Rove’s Christian right liaison is a plagiarist. But we shouldn’t be surprised:

Goeglein recalled a dinner party that he and his wife recently attended in Northwest. Out of the six couples around the table, Goeglein and his wife were the only Republicans.

As is inevitably the case, he said, the conversation soon turned to the couples’ children — most 5 or 6 years old — and aspirations for their future occupations. One parent said editor; another, publisher; a third wanted the child to go into education.

“I was intrigued by the question, and the answers of every one of our Democratic friends,” Goeglein said. Not one parent, he said, gave an answer that would be more typical of Republicans. “Our party, in the way it is constituted, we think of medicine, we think of law, we think of business. We don’t think, gee, I hope my son grows up to be a great playwright or painter or poet,” he explained.

In their party, “the way it’s constituted,” they believes that stealing other people’s work leaves time for more important, useful, pursuits. Like gaming the system, rigging the game and pillaging the treasury. Being all prissy about silly pursuits like writing and editing and publishing is for girly-men, not heroic Randian businessmen and deeply religious party hacks. It would be more embarrassing for a real Republican to write his own words than be caught stealing another’s.


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