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The Long March

by digby

Congratulations to Senator Clinton for winning Rhode Island and Ohio and congratulations to Senator Obama for winning Vermont. (Naturally, we have another damned nail biter and have to wait to find out what Texas had to say.)

It looks like the campaign will continue at least to Pennsylvania. (oh boy…) I assumed that Obama’s momentum was too strong to stop and that he would steamroll the rest of these contests without even breaking stride. I thought Ohio and Texas would validate that assumption and I was wrong. Apparently Democratic voters aren’t completely sure who they want for the nominee just yet. So we keep going.

There’s lots of chatter tonight that Florida and Michigan might get new primaries in June. The governor of Florida says he’d be willing. The way things are going, they may actually be necessary to allow one of the candidates to get to the magic number and be considered legitimate by the half of the party that didn’t vote for him or her.


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