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Abu Ghraib

by tristero

The New Yorker has a terrific article by Philip Gourevitch and Errol Morris based upon an extensive interview with Sabrina Harman – the “thumbs up” soldier – and others. As of this writing, it’s not online, but excerpts from Morris’ new film are.

There are no conclusions that Hullabaloo readers haven’t already reached themselves about the culpability of higher ups and their evasion of punishment. The soldiers who carried out or witnessed the atrocities come across in the article as deeply troubled individuals, in all senses of the term. Its publication fast on the heels of Bush’s veto of a bill banning waterboarding and other techniques couldn’t be more timely.

It’s a shameful story. And it’s equally shameful that there isn’t a mass American movement to bring ALL those responsible for the criminal disgrace of Abu Ghraib to justice.

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