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Grown-up In Charge

by digby

John McCain is going to solve our economic problems by convening a meeting of the nation’s accountants.

He also thinks that people should be forced to put bigger down payments on their houses, but he also that mortgage lenders should be like GM after 9/11 and give zero down payment loans.

Oh, and the banks don’t trust each other and now they don’t trust the people. Prices go down as well as up. He will not allow dogma to override common sense.

He explained all this to us as if we were five year olds.

If you liked having the idiot George W. Bush in charge during a national security crisis, you’re going to love having the moron John McCain in charge during an economic crisis.

Update: Via Drum, Chuck Todd explains why McCain gets away with such things:

Even if he gets dinged on the experience stuff, “Oh, he says he’s Mr. Experience. Doesn’t he know the difference between this stuff?” He’s got enough of that in the bank, at least with the media, that he can get away with it. I mean, the irony to this is had either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama misspoke like that, it’d have been on a running loop, and it would become a, a big problem for a couple of days for them.

Here’s the thing. It’s not just McCain. They let Reagan and Junior get away with it too. The media allow Republicans to speak nonsense to the public all the time and don’t challenge them. Meanwhile Democrats are derided for being dishonest, boring eggheads who can’t be trusted.

The Republican nominee just spoke in classic Bushian gibberish on the nation’s most pressing issue and everyone will call it straight talk. This is a problem and it’s bigger than St John.

Here’s the Todd video from C&L


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