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It’s Her Baby

by digby

I couldn’t agree with this more: Condi must go. This woman has been given a pass on all of the Bush administration’s atrocities and yet we now know that she was at the very center of the most depraved policy of this depraved administration: torture.

At the very least, even if nothing else is done, Condoleeza Rice must never be mentioned as a possible candidate for public office ever again. She should be radioactive in American politics after this.

Update: This ad is going up in Pennsylvania right after the debate. Excellent., Brave New Films, and Democracy for America announced the next step in the grassroots pressure campaign: a television ad to air Wednesday night in Pennsylvania around the presidential debate. The ad, produced by Brave New Films and paid for by members outraged by Rice’s role in authorizing torture, seeks to force discussion of this issue to the top of the public agenda.

“Condoleezza Rice helped decide how to torture people, that’s the bottom line” said Online Director Matt Holland. “As Secretary of State, she is our country’s face to the world, and now that the world knows that she spends her time in closed rooms personally planning the abuse of prisoners, we can’t show our face.”


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