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Making History

by digby

…from scratch. Via Think Progress

Continuing to ensure that partisan praise of Bush will trump academic scholarship in the library, advisers now say they “will rely chiefly” on the design firm PRD Group, rather than historians, to showcase Bush’s policies as president. The Dallas Morning News reports:

Bush advisers say they plan to consult historians but will rely chiefly on the veteran design firm they hired to create a museum to showcase his life, works and policies.

Some who’ve studied presidential centers say the lack of independent voices in the design-exhibit process risks turning the library into little more than a promotional venue.

Bush famously said “history …. we’ll all be dead,” so I can’t say I’m surprised. (He tole the American people we’d all be dead, and he meant it!)

Might I suggest a codpiece exhibit?

H/T to laura d

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