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Taking It Personally

by tristero

Only weeks after 9/11 Steve Dunleavy called me a traitor.

In 2005, George Packer said I had a second-rate mind.

Now, the head of one of Pastor Hagee’s scams calls me a moral myopic.

But it wasn’t I who supported a president who failed to protect us on 9/11, lied us into a catastrophic war, and partied while his fellow citizens drowned in their own shit. It wasn’t I who failed to perceive the patently obvious evil that was the Bush/Iraq war before it began. Nor am I someone who so hates himself and his ethnic identity so profoundly he is actually paid to defend some anti-Semitic psychopath who thinks Hitler did God’s work and that those who died in the gas chambers sinned against God because they couldn’t flee Germany for an Israel that didn’t exist.

So…if refusing to support a president who shreds the Constitution makes me a traitor, Mr. Dunleavy, then I wear that label as a badge of honor. If knowing I was right about the Bush/Iraq war before the first pointless death makes me a second-rate mind, Mr. Packer, then God save us from further ideas of your first-rate mentality. And finally, Mr. Brog, if seeing a Jew hater for exactly what he is means I”m myopic, then it is not I who needs a new pair of moral eyeglasses.

One word of advice to all three of you. If you spent as much time carefully thinking about the world’s problems as you waste dissing me and other liberals, perhaps you wouldn’t be so utterly, totally, irrevocably, and completely, wrong about everything.

But then again, perhaps not.

h/t Digby

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