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by digby

From Kathy G, I see that Camille Paglia has had an epiphany. Or maybe she’s on hard drugs. It’s hard to tell the difference.

Camille’s comment speaks for itself:

Meanwhile, conservative talk radio, which I have been following with interest for almost 20 years, has become a tornado alley of hallucinatory holograms of Obama. He’s a Marxist! A radical leftist! A hater of America! He’s “not that bright”; he can’t talk without a teleprompter. He knows nothing and has done less. His wife is a raging mass of anti-white racism. It’s gotten to the point that I can hardly listen to my favorite shows, which were once both informative and entertaining. The hackneyed repetition is numbing and tedious, and the overt character assassination is ethically indefensible. Talk radio will lose its broad audience if it continues on this nakedly partisan path.

I honestly don’t know how I feel about having this ludicrous sideshow act on my side. I guess it’s a good thing — the more votes the better, right? But I can’t help feeling that something very bad will happen.


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