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The Camera Is Your Friend

by digby

John Amato at Crooks and Liars has produced a useful little primer on how to deal with Bill O’Reilly’s ambush-style of journalism. It could be quite helpful to those who find themselves on the receiving end of his producer Jesse Watters’ camera and microphone.

For instance:

3) Now comes the critical time. When he asks you his misleading or false question about a bogus issue that Bill O’Reilly has trumped up to his FOX news audience, say:

“I’ll be happy to answer your questions, Jesse, but can I ask you something first? Are you embarrassed to be working for a man that got sued for sexual harassment by Andrea Mackris and lost millions of dollars?

Jesse will look puzzled at first, so repeat this phrase.

Aren’t you embarrassed to be working for a man that got sued for sexual harassment by Andrea Mackris and lost millions of dollars? Don’t you have any decency? Aren’t you ashamed by that?”

There’s more solid, practical advice like that at the link. Remember, the camera is your friend…


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