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Official Bottomfeeder

by digby

Via Avedon Carol, I see that Jeff Gannon has a blog. It suggests that he’s an official blogger of the National Press Club. He isn’t, of course. When you look closely, it becomes clear that it isn’t officially affiliated with the organization. (Note the similarity between the urls.) But he’s sure made it look like it is, don’t you think?

Gannon weighed in last week, naturally, on the Larry Sinclair circus with this letter to Jane Hamsher:


Didn’t you hear? I’ve been a member of the National Press Club for over two years and serve on two committees, Newsmakers and New Media.

There is no mystery about becoming the first exclusively online reporter to cover the White House on a daily basis for over two years. I even wrote a book about it: “The Great Media War: A Battlefield Report”

Grow up and stop the defamation.

Jeff Gannon

The Press Club should probably look into this. Sinclair just rented a room. This guy is using their logo and their name to promote himself. And it turns out that it’s actually true that he’s on those two committees.

What’s up with the National Press Club?


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