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Iced Coffee Klatch

by digby

Conservatives have always made stupid arguments (supply side economics comes to mind) but in the last few years, as the new wave of conservatives who were whelped during the post Reagan period took over, the arguments have really gotten idiotic.

During a radio interview on Wednesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) attempted to argue that drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) would be beneficial for Arctic wildlife. Bachmann claimed that drilling would cause not only an “enhancement of wildlife expansion,” but that the area around oil pipelines would also “become a meeting ground and ‘coffee klatch‘ for caribou”:

“Some suggestions are that perhaps we would see an enhancement of wildlife expansion because of the warmth of the pipeline,” she said. […] The pipeline has now become a meeting ground and “coffee klatch” for the caribou, she said.

Bachmann is not alone among conservatives in pushing this narrative of drilling being good for caribou. Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show last week that “the caribou have multiplied ’cause they like the warmth that surrounds the pipeline.” On Tuesday night, National Review’s Jonah Goldberg made a similar argument on Fox News:

GOLDBERG: People don’t realize that at Prudhoe Bay, where they have been drilling for 30 years, the central Arctic caribou herd has increased fivefold since they started drilling up there. Some people say it’s because they get to hide from the bugs. It’s a little easier for them. But people say it’s because of the lack of hunting. But it is not dangerous to the caribou up there.

I don’t know where this got started. It’s obviously some kind of wingnut talking point. (Click the link for the real information about the caribou, which is exactly the opposite.)

Sometimes I think this stuff is actually designed to be so absurd that it renders everyone who hears it speechless. You scratch your head in wonder that people like this are elected to office and have paying gigs at major newspapers. (You really wonder at a party that wants to put one of these fruitcakess a heartbeat away from the presidency.)


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