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“Take Em Out And Shoot Em”

by tristero

A threat of murder from Michael Reagan. That’s R – E – A – G – A – N, as in St. Ronald’s son:

Take em out and shoot em. . . . You take em out, they are traitors to this country, and shoot them. . . . Anybody who would do that doesn’t deserve to live. You shoot them. You call them traitors, that’s what they are. And you shoot em dead. I’ll pay for the bullets.

Now, I have a high tolerance for naughty, intemperate language, seeing as we still have a First Amendment lying around somewhere. I couldn’t care less what the 9/11 conspiracists are sending to troops (cue a minimum of 100 hateful comments about what a dupe and a pawn I am). Where I draw the line is on rhetoric that urges vigilante-style murder and revenge. Even against 9/11 conspiracy fans? Yep.

The FBI must investigate Reagan for seeking to fund a potential conspiracy to commit mass murder and mayhem. I see no reason to assume that Reagan was joking. And in all seriousness, I don’t think he was.

As for the 9/11 conspiracists, please don’t thank me. It’s just that I’d prefer you to be totally wrong AND alive than just totally wrong. (Cue 700 more hateful comments focusing on my snotty sense of superiority and know-it-all-attitude, to which I will wholeheartedly agree, followed by long tedious explanations as to why WTC was imploded, to which I will shake my head in wonder and sadness).

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