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Dog Ate My Homework

by dday

It is a novel excuse, I will say that.

The White House in December refused to accept the Environmental Protection Agency’s conclusion that greenhouse gases are pollutants that must be controlled, telling agency officials that an e-mail message containing the document would not be opened, senior E.P.A. officials said last week.

The document, which ended up in e-mail limbo, without official status, was the E.P.A.’s answer to a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that required it to determine whether greenhouse gases represent a danger to health or the environment, the officials said.

I would give you my opinion of this, but I refuse to read the article. I excerpted the first two paragraphs with my eyes closed. And if you try to comment I’m not going to read those either. La la la la I can’t hear you!

Would that Al Gore came up with this one in early January 2001 while presiding over the Senate as the Vice President, refusing to open up the list of Electoral College votes and reading them aloud. Of course, that would be too terrible partisan.

(I was also considering “See No Email, Hear No Email” for the title. Which one do you prefer?)


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