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You Can’t Do That To John Sidney McCain III!!!

by dday

I’m a little angry that this poll question gets asked to thinking people, but the results are certainly gonna leave a mark.

People would rather barbecue burgers with Barack than munch meats with McCain.

While many are still deciding which should be president, by 52 percent to 45 percent they would prefer having Barack Obama than John McCain to their summer cookout, according to an Associated Press-Yahoo! News poll released Wednesday.

Men are about evenly divided between the two while women prefer Obama by 11 percentage points. Whites prefer McCain, minorities Obama. And Obama is a more popular guest with younger voters while McCain does best with the oldest.

Having Obama to a barbecue would be like a relaxed family gathering, while inviting McCain “would be more like a retirement party than something fun,” said Wesley Welbourne, 38, a systems engineer from Washington, D.C.

Clearly these philistines haven’t tasted his dry rub. If they only knew him like his base the media knows him, if they knew his honor, his saintliness, his wizardry with charcoal, if they only knew him like David Broder knows him!!!!!


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