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He’s Losing Sleep

by digby

… and sweating bullets over this:

Democrats say a group supporting Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) bought television ad time in Virginia that had been released by his campaign the same day, suggesting a possible connection between two groups that legally must remain separate.

The upcoming ads — “Finish the Job,” featuring eight Iraq war veterans speaking in black-and-white footage about the success of the surge — mark the most substantial outside assistance McCain has received in the presidential air wars.

The group, Vets for Freedom, calls the purchase a coincidence, and there is no indication otherwise.

But the discovery is the leading edge of a new line of attack Democrats plan against McCain.

Because Obama has so much more ready cash than McCain, the Arizonan is in the ironic position of being dependent on — or, perhaps, at the mercy of — the sort of third-party, outside groups he has long criticized.

Democrats contend that McCain gained substantial political capital from opposing such groups when he was crusading for a campaign-finance overhaul, but he now stands to benefit from their largesse.

Snap! So, it looks as though the Democrats are going to take the high ground and then accuse McCain of hypocrisy. That’ll do it.


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