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Nasty Boys

by digby

Ben Cohen at Huffington Post takes a little trip in the wayback machine:

The video shows Bush at the absolute peak of his arrogance — convinced of his own rhetoric about Iraq, flooded with confidence from international subservience to American power, and high off a crushing military victory that reinforced his childish fantasies of American power and preeminence.

The problem was, Coleman was having none of it, and what transpired was a unique insight into the warped brain of the least respected and most hated president in the history of the United States.


The interview took place almost four years ago, but is the perfect illustration of a man elected purely on name recognition, dirty money, and no discernible talent. Four years ago, there were still enough Americans who believed Bush’s infantile bluster was charming and direct. Now, even Republicans do not waste their time with him, quietly wishing he would disappear and stop embarrassing their party.

The interview with Coleman should go down on record as definitive proof of Bush’s utter incompetence, a priceless picture of a madman who had no business occupying the highest office of the land.

I had an epiphany when I watched that interview again. The swaggering, sarcastic, petulant Bush reminds me strongly of a young version of McCain.


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