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What The Hell?

by digby

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Thursday announced joint appointments to a landmark ethics review board that for the first time will allow private citizens to review allegations against members.

Still, four out of six members of the board for the newly created Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) will be former members of Congress, including former CIA Director Porter Goss (R-Fla.), who will serve as co-chairman.

Goss? Ethics? Is this a joke?

This is ridiculous. They rehabilitate these corrupt ideologues with jobs in the government, apparently so they can continue to be members in good standing of the Village. Can’t business and industry take care of these people? They bought them while they were in office and I can’t see any reason why the taxpayers should pay them, or even give their imprimatur to any of their activities. It’s ridiculous. Goss was a disaster at CIA and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near government again.


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