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Silly Season

by digby

Atrios watched the gasbags all day and it’s driving him crazy. I feel his pain. If you haven’t checked in over there today, go to his first post of the day and read up the page. It’s hilarious.

This is the first one, and it only gets better:


Sam Brownback is on my TV upset that China might be monitoring the internet and telephone communications of visitors during the olympics. “That’s spying!” he says. He’s really upset.

Please just kill me.

I saw that one too and nearly lost my latte.

This is getting weird. Brownback’s taking on the mantle of a fake libertarian ca. 1997 as if we haven’t just gone through a huge debate about the US spying on Americans without warrants. Which he supported. The other day Pelosi went on Jon Stewart and complained about domestic surveillance powers and then said “this Republican Congress has been a rubber stamp for so long, but that will change.”

Am I on drugs and don’t know it?


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