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The Choice That Dare Not Speak Its Name

by digby

I keep hearing whispers the last few days from unlikely quarters that Hillary Clinton should be the vice presidential pick. Even the delegates to the convention, including the professional politico superdelegates, seem to agree:

Senator Hillary Clinton is by far the favorite choice for the number two spot on the Democratic ticket, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll of delegates to the Democratic convention. When asked who they would like Barack Obama to select, 28 percent volunteer her as their top choice for Vice Presidential nominee
Six percent volunteer Delaware Senator Joe Biden, and four percent mention two other unsuccessful Democratic candidates: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards. [Most of the interviews for this poll were conducted before Edwards admitted to having an extramarital affair.] Another 4 percent volunteer Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.


By more than five to one, superdelegates think putting Clinton on the ticket would help Obama win the election: 56 percent say she would help, 11 percent say she would hurt Obama’s chances. The rest are undecided or don’t think her candidacy would affect his chances of victory in November.

There is little difference between men and women delegates when it comes to a vice presidential choice: 27 percent of men and 30 percent of women volunteer Clinton’s name. There is also little difference by age.

In addition, about six in 10 women and a similar percentage of men say that Clinton’s name on the ticket would help Obama in the fall.

I’m personally incredibly uninterested in the VP pick — this parlor game is so lame and so tiresome by this point that I’ll just be glad when it’s decided. But if the strategy for the fall is now to win with a ground game and increased turnout of the base, there is some logic to choosing her over one of the others.

As long as he doesn’t pick a Republican I can live with it. (Please, don’t pick a Republican …)

Oh, and me likee:

McCain is one corrupt motha … shut your mouth!


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