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by digby

FoxNews digs deep:

Presidential Character & Conduct 2008: Barack Obama

Monday , August 18, 2008 FC1

Two candidates and one of them will be the next president of the UnitedStates. FOX News examines the character and conduct of Sen. Barack Obama in a new documentary hosted by Bill Hemmer at 8 p.m. ET on Aug. 18. To learn more about Obama, click on the following links for rarely seen documents and videos: 1. Listen to Barack Obama’s famous 2004 speech to the Democratic National Convention in Boston. 2. Read the Associated Press story on Barack Obama’s friends from Occidental College. 3. Read the indictment of former Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko. 4. Read the Chicago Sun Times investigative report about Obama’s ties to Tony Rezko. 5. View a map of Rezko properties in Barack Obama former Illinois state senate district. 6. Listen to Barack Obama give detailed responses to the Rezko affair to Chicago Sun Times. 7. Watch a sermon by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4.
Two candidates and one of them will be the next president of the United States. FOX News examines the character and conduct of Sen. John McCain in a new documentary hosted by Eric Shawn at 8 p.m. ET on Aug. 19.To learn more about McCain, click on the following links for rarely seen documents and videos: 1. Read McCain’s first-person account of his more than five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. 2. Read the 12-part Arizona Republic series on the life and times of McCain. 3. Read the news article that broke the story of the Keating Five. 4. View McCain’s 1990 testimony before the Senate Ethics Committee in the Keating Five scandal. 5. Watch McCain’s October 1989 Arizona press conference about Charles Keating and the Fountain Square shopping center acquisition. 6. Read the famous “Senators Meeting” memorandum compiled by federal regulator William Black during a meeting of the Keating Five. 7. Read Charles Keating’s attack on Federal Home Loan Bank Board Chairman Edward Gray, where he calls Gray’s rule “Nazi.” 8. Read Alan Greenspan’s defense of Keating’s Lincoln Savings & Loan. 9. Read John McCain’s December 2006 letter to President Bush advocating a “surge” in Iraq.

I assume they are just being “fair” when they compare Obama’s friends at Occidental College to McCain’s years as a POW. And they are being scrupulously “balanced” by pretending that the so-called “Rezko” matter, an obscure, unproven set of circumstances surrounding the valuation of a house, was somehow equivalent to the Keating Five scandal, which was associated with one of the greatest banking scandals in history and featured McCain attempting to use his influence as a United States senator to intervene and his wife and father-in-law making millions with their good friend, Charlie Keating.

Naturally Jeremiah Wright’s speeches are heavily featured. They are balanced out by Charles Keating’s attack on some guy named Edward Gray, which is very similar — except for the many millions of dollars that Keating bilked from little old ladies and the resulting largest taxpayer bailout ever. Other than that, though, it’s just the same.

I think it’s pretty clear from this in-depth series that both Obama and McCain’s characters are equally corrupt except that McCain was a heroic POW whose crimes were long ago and Obama is a recent criminal who planned racial insurrection with his America hating pastor.

Oh, and McCain told President Bush how to achieve our glorious victory in Iraq.

H/T to TL

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