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Go Joe Go

by digby

I actually think this would be a brilliant move for McCain — the village gasbags would be speaking in tongues and writhing in ecstasy at the prospect of this kind of post-partisan love-in. “Oh my god, the Republican maverick has chosen the same man for VP the Democrats chose eight years ago!!! Hold me down, I may levitate with sheer euphoria!!”

Now, Lieberman will have to make some adjustments. He’s fine on the indiscriminate killing of live people, which conservatives are always for. It’s the sanctity of the embryo where he’s been a bit dodgy. It’s not that he hasn’t been edging toward it for a long time But, he’s going to have to make the final switch. I’ve figured he was going to do it for a long time.

Many people think that the conservative base will have a fit if McCain chooses Holy Joe. But I think it all depends on whether Holy Joe agrees to become the fire-breathing anti-abortion zealot he’s always secretly wanted to be. They love converts, especially the sickeningly condescending, self-righteous, sanctimonious kind. There’s nobody out there who is more suited to the role of preachy social conservative than Joe Lieberman.

I fervently hope McCain does it. It would spell the end of Obama’s ineffectual paeans to “post-partisanship” and force him to make a strong case for progressive policies — which I have long believed the country was finally willing to hear for the first time in decades. He’s got a gift for speaking and that’s what he needs to be speaking about.

Go McCain-Loserman 08!


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