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Political Moments

by digby

The Campaign For America’s Future is doing a series on how progressives can seize the moment if the Democrats win the election. There will be many interesting posts and articles, beginning with Robert Borosage and Katrina vanden Heuvel’s article in The Nation, “Progressives in the Obama Moment” excerpted here, at the CAF site.

Rick Perlstein has also written a fascinating article on the subject in this months American Prospect called The Liberal Shock Doctrine, which is also excerpted at his blog, The Big Con. And Bill Sher has posted a piece called “The Missed ‘Clinton Moment’ and the Missed ‘Deval Moment'” which ponders some opportunities that were lost.

I have just written a post about The Obama Moment at Saddleback Church and what the evangelical outreach portends for the progressive movement, called “Values and Worldviews.”

I encourage you to check out this series throughout this week and next, particularly if the election horse race is getting you down. This series is about governance and priorities, not campaigning, and has much food for thought about what happens on the day after.


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