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Thanks But No Thanks

by digby

Following up on Tristero’s comment below, I understand that some of the gasbags have come around to the idea that the Democrats can’t go after the Republicans because the American people are sick and tired of the partisan attack politics of Washington these past few years.

Isn’t that precious? The American people are sick of vicious, bloodthirsty Republicans which means that Democrats can’t mention the fact that Republicans are vicious and bloodthirsty.

As I wrote earlier, there seems to be some common belief among the villagers that because the cable shows have relatively small audiences that they have no influence. That might be true if the audience they do have didn’t consist mostly of the professional political class.

These people are being tremendously dishonest (or they’re just dumb) when they frame this election in those terms. John McCain has launched a non-stop character attack on Barack Obama and they advise the Democrats to be soft because the public is sick of Republican attacks. Yeah, that’ll work out.

I fervently hope the Democrats don’t agree with that nonsensical conventional wisdom and strongly attack the Republicans over the next three nights. That “advice” is a recipe for defeat.


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