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Big Dog

by digby

For you Bill Clinton fans out there (Gloria) here’s a treat from Michael Shaw and Alan Chin from the floor last night:

(Images © Alan Chin. Denver. 2008)

Michael quotes my post from last night and adds this:

Clinton’s eagerness and electricity radiates right through the battery of secret service. Shots 3, 4 and 5, however, really reveals the full spectrum of Clinton’s political personality. In the third shot, we see his characteristic finger. But it’s instructive rather than admonishing. In the next frame, we see a side of Clinton that has been painfully absent (and almost forgotten) since Lewinsky — that gregariousness and playfulness.

In the last shot, though, Bill’s expression is one that can’t really be acted. And, it’s is the image the Democrats and Obama really needed from Clinton last night: simply the look of joy.


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