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More Anti-Democratic Bias

by tristero

This kind of slanted garbage from the media is so ubiquitous that we tend to ignore it.We do so at our Peril.

Democrats officially warned Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) on Wednesday that he could face repercussions for delivering a speech at the Republican National Convention in which he called Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama an “eloquent young man” who lacked the experience to be in the White House.

What could possibly be wrong with Lieberman saying that? The impression is that Dems are overreacting.But that wasn’t the problem.

Lieberman lied. He lied about a fellow Senator’s record. That’s the problem. But we don’t get to hear about it ’til the 3rd paragraph. And no specifics are given:

“Senator Reid was very disappointed in Senator Lieberman’s speech, especially when he appeared to go out of his way to distort Senator Obama’s record of bipartisan achievements in the Senate,” said Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley. “The Democratic caucus will likely revisit the situation with Senator Lieberman after the elections in November.”

So Lieberman’s lies have been rhetorically reduced to a potential “he said/she said.” And we still haven’t heard any details.

Let’s go on. It’s not ’til paragraph six that we hear what Lieberman’s lie was:

[Lieberman] pointedly said Obama “has not reached across party lines to get anything significant done, nor has he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in the Democratic Party.”

And remember I said the article was structured to be a “potential ‘he said/she said?” Well, that kind of article wasn’t considered biased enough in Lieberman’s favor. Therefore, no one was given a chance to refute this blatant lie in the article by citing the relevant facts about Obama’s record.

People, let there be no mistake: Lieberman lied through his teeth.

Liberal media, my patooties.

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