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McCain’s Afraid

by tristero

St. John McCain is always eager to remind us of prehistoric times, when dinosaurs ruled the earth and he actually demonstrated real courage, But he doesn’t want to talk about today. And that’s for good reason.

Today, John McCain is afraid of his own shadow. McCain is so afraid, there is hardly anything he cares to do or talk about except the past:

McCain’s afraid to be seen on the same stage as George W. Bush.

McCain’s afraid to discuss his secret (translated: non-existent) plans to get bin Laden.

McCain’s afraid to discuss the vetting of his vice-presidential candidate.

McCain’s afraid to have his vice-presidential candidate talk to the press; she’s been shipped back to Alaska. [UPDATE]

McCain’s afraid to discuss his reckless support of Bush/Iraq, which dates to Sept 12, 2001.

McCain’s afraid to discuss plans to withdraw from Iraq in our lifetimes.

McCain’s afraid to discuss a serious energy policy.

McCain’s afraid to discuss a workable tax plan.

McCain’s so afraid of hard work, he admits he’s never learned even the basics of economics.

McCain’s so afraid of his party they dictated to him he couldn’t run with the candidate he wanted.

McCains’s afraid to discuss even the vaguest details of his plans for this country because he hasn’t any.

McCain’s even afraid to discuss why he refuses to support scholarships for vets.

And McCain’s so afraid of change he hasn’t learned to use a computer and can’t even log on to his own website.

But oh! How eager McCain is to talk about the past! Those glorious days when he actually had a spine. McCain revels in those days and well he should. It makes us forget how much of a compromised, philandering, conformist he’s been ever since. A man so spineless, he voted with George W. Bush, by his own admission, 90% of the time.

The John McCain of 2008 is a doddering, fearful, ignorant goat. And he’s been one for a very, very loooooooooooooooooong time.

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