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Merry Pranksters

by digby

I’ve been getting swamped with this email, purporting to be quotes from Sarah Palin. It’s a joke, which can be easily traced to this site. (I think it got some currency because a google search takes you to an MSNBC page that sort of looks like it might be a real story if you don’t know what you’re looking at. It’s a comment…)

Anyway, here’s the email. Don’t be a schtupid, be a smahtie, come and join the reality based pahtie.

Subject: more Palin
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 7:43 AM

How many of these quotes did she use in her speech last night?

Quotes by Governor Palin during a series of interviews by the Anchorage Daily
News in 2006 when she was running for Governor…

On Creationism:

The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God’s creation and not evolution
is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking
as a moose evolve through so-called “natural selection?” Is evolution a
committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have
made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God
has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:

God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of
Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his
perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.

Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we
shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with
my new, at the time, custom Austrian hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou
herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need
culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:

Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we’d be
Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior
Israeli Air Force.
God help us!

Here’s the problem. People who will read this and believe that Palin called the dinosaurs “Lizard of Satan” and openly disparaged Muslims and Jews in the Anchorage Daily News — and still got elected Governor of a state — will also think those quotes make good solid sense. You’ve got to know your audience.

Chain emails are a clever kind of whisper campaign but I don’t think pulling jokes off the internet, (which can be debunked in less than five minutes) is exactly the way to get it done. The email I posted a couple of days ago was much more effective.


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