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Gentlemen Scholars

by digby

Oooh… the next 60 days are going to be really, really fun:

From the September 4 broadcast of ABC Radio Networks’ The Sean Hannity Show:

HANNITY: By the way, I have what has to be — and I have warned you that these attacks are only, only going to get worse, although they’re not going to work and it’s all going to backfire. And this has got to be the most hysterical reaction to Sarah Palin’s home-run speech. Get this. The National Organization of Liberal Women is charging that Sarah Palin — now, you better sit down for this — Sarah Palin is really a man.

I’m — this report in the Politico, spokesman for the National Organization for Women, “noting Palin’s opposition to abortion rights and” her “support of other parts of the social conservative agenda,” told the Politico, quote, “She’s more a conservative man than she is a woman on women’s issues. Very disappointing.”

So that’s the official liberal feminist position. Sarah Palin is not a woman. She’s a man. Now, folks, these people are just — they’re not connecting. You know, Gloria Steinem — well, the only thing she shares with Hillary is a chromosome. You know, folks, fear has now literally taken over the Democratic Party. Someone needs to start — you know what? There’s Happy Housewives, they were quoted in The New York Times, we’re going to have — maybe we’ll have them on tomorrow to counter this nonsense.

But anyway, let’s get to our phones. I see Mark is in Washington, D.C. Uh-oh. Is this him? Is that —

LEVIN: Dr. Hannity?

HANNITY: Dr. Levin. Thank me. How am I?

LEVIN: It’s not the National Organization of Liberal Women. It’s the National Organization of Ugly Women.

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