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Of Course They Cheated And Broke The Truce. Duh.

by tristero


The two presidential campaigns had declared a truce for the anniversary of 9/11. Traditional campaigning, especially of the negative sort, was supposed to be put on hold. But John McCain’s campaign, it’s now clear, broke that truce — and did so with an ad that nonpartisan watchdog calls “particularly egregious” for its distortions.

And what did you expect? We’re talking about a race to become leader of the world. Of course, They – the big Them that are Republicans – are gonna pull every trick in the book. And I mean every single trick in the book. And don’t say you weren’t well warned that floating above the fray wouldn’t work.

Unless he starts fighting back now, and hard, Obama won’t merely be defeated. He will be utterly destroyed, his national reputation thoroughly besmirched, his influence in the party nil.

Cue numerous exasperated comments to the effect I couldn’t possibly know what I’m talking about, that Obama has so much support, there’s not a chance in hell he won’t have major Democratic party influence in the future. My response:

From the bottom of my heart, I certainly hope you’re right.

Free tip to Obama’s campaign: Ads and interviews debunking the lies and distortions won’t cut it anymore. They’re just going to get drowned out in the carnage spewing out of McCain/Bush. You are going to have to make some real news with your candidate. What should you do? That’s your job, folks.

Oh, and you’ve missed your chance to give McCain a taste of his own medicine. The moment you start running seriously negative ads, like you should have from Day One, McCain will simply take the high road now. And you’re sunk.

Make some real news, Obama-people. Like you should have the day after the Republican hate-fest in St. Paul.

Note: Am I saying Obama will, inevitably, lose? NO. But due to the Democratic party’s unbelievably awful “support” for Obama – did you hear that Biden said Clinton would make a better veep candidate than he ? – and the campaign’s own failure to press the advantage when they had it for the five minutes beginning the moment Obama’s acceptance speech ended to the unveiling of She-Who-You-Dare-Not-Criticize-You-Fucking-Sexist, it will now be much harder.

And it should have been a complete rout.

UPDATE: Link to Biden’s comment added.

UPDATE: And, as awful as it is to think of pr at a time like this, where is the Obama campaign now that a truly awful hurricane is about to strike? He could easily make the point that he takes real threats seriously, as opposed to McCain’s fakery.

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