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McCain To Media: It’s My Party And I’ll Lie If I Want To

by tristero

[Thanks for all your kind words about The Origin. I’ll post more soon but now it’s back to your regularly scheduled bizarro-world reports. ]

In case you missed this, a conservative actually spoke the truth:

McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said this to the Politico about the increased media scrutiny of the campaign’s factual claims: “We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.”

Only a pedant would interpret that as saying something other than, “We’re gonna lie our heads off if we think it’ll help us win ’cause that’s all that matters. And you can’t stop us.”

And how baldly is McCain lying? He’s lying so egregiously that, as dday noted, even Karl Rove thinks McCain’s gone too far.

If we had a working political press corps, instead of the mediocrities, liars, suck-ups, and fools we actually do have, then they would feel no compulsion to repeat McCain’s lies, except to debunk them, as in:

“There they go again. Adding to their already long list of lies, patently untrue assertions, and gross distortions, the McCain campaign said today…”

But if it makes you feel better, Obama raised $66 million, McCain only $47 million! Wowee Zowee! That really sounds like something until you realize that having an entire tv station flacking the latest McCain/Bush/Palin iies is easily worth an extra double $19 million.

But let’s give Obama credit. He has run a campaign so basically honorable and decent he has done his mother proud. And that is truly moving, even inspiring. Unfortunately, every other Democrat has decided to do likewise or go missing (where is Clinton? She should have been all over the Sunday bloviations).

That’s not to say Democrats should start lying like McCain and Bush/Palin. There are plenty of ways to fight. Need an idea? Digby has a great one: confront the disaster that is conservatism head on, no punches pulled.

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