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Three Thoughts

by tristero


Stupidest thing anyone’s written in a long time – well, at least since Thomas Friedman’s latest column:

Who could have imagined that different-drummer McCain would emerge as a press-conference-avoiding, media-baiting, fact-fabricating generic Republican?


People are strange. I honestly thought that the wheels would come off the McCain/Bush/Palin campaign once the press realized that the reason why Palin forced rape victims to pay for rape kits was because they contained emergency contraception. I have to confess that when I read that I actually gasped with horror and disgust. I couldn’t suppress the thought that if the word “evil” has a meaning, this woman embodies it.


Naomi Klein published a brilliant article in Rolling Stone about the surveillance industry in China and the illegal American connections to it. The article also made the point that China was evolving a new governing philosophy, kind of a “Stalinist-capitalism.” As the US seeks to nationalize more and more failing brokers, banks and insurance companies, while also shredding what’s left of the Constitution’s safeguards, it seems as if we’re evolving into a capitalist-Stalinist state.

O, brave new world…

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